Hasty Treat - Whats the deal with npm, yarn and lock files?!
In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes discuss npm, yarn, lock files, why they're useful, why you would or wouldn't want to track them in Git and much more!
In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes discuss npm, yarn, lock files, why they're useful, why you would or wouldn't want to track them in Git and much more!
In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes discuss refactoring, what it is, why you should do it, when to do it, as well as best practices and much more.
In this Hasty Treat (Short episode) Scott and Wes discuss dot files, what they are, how to use and manage them as well as best practices and more.
In this Hasty Treat (Short episode) Scott and Wes discuss user roles, what to think about when creating your own, security implications, etc.
In this Hasty Treat (Short episode) Scott and Wes discus all things domains. Where to get them, how to set them up and how to save time managing them all in one place.